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So, You Want to be a Wizard?  

A WebQuest for 7th and 8th grade after reading

 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone By J.K. Rowling








Designed by Sabrina Requena and Crystal Tiarks  



You are going to be a first year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  You will develop a character and write a chapter about your first week at Hogwarts with a partner.  Be creative and have fun!

The Task 

Your task will be to develop a character that will fit into the chapter you will write with a partner about your first week at Hogwarts.  


The Process 

1.  First you need to develop your character.  Your character needs to be unique and interesting. 

The following is a list of things that you will want to develop about your character:  




-Family background (parents, siblings, etc)

-Where you are from and whom do you live with?

-Are you a Muggle, half-blood, or Wizard, etc.?

-Personality type

-Your appearance

-Favorite foods

-What house at Hogwarts were you sorted into?

-What kind of wand, broomstick, pet, etc. do you have?

*You may also include other characteristics if you like!  

Use this site as a checklist of things that you need to decide on about your character.



2.  Now you need to enroll at Hogwarts.  Go to the following site and enroll with the character name you have developed.  Here the sorting hat will sort you so you will know the house you belong to.  



3. Now you will pick a partner.  Your partner and you will write a chapter about your first week at Hogwarts.  You will write this chapter using the characters that you and your partner developed.  The chapter needs top be a total of between 6 and 8 pages.  Type your chapter in Microsoft Word, using a 12-point font in Times New Roman and double space.  You can use this graphic organizer as a guide to help you develop your story.



What’s in a Name? http://www.mikids.com/harrypotter/Name.htm

Hogwarts Houses







The Muggle World


The Wizard World

Interior spaces at Hogwarts http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/hogwarts_inside.html

Hogwarts: Floor by floor http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/hogwarts_floors.html

The Grounds


Classes offered at Hogwarts 


                           Textbooks       http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/textbooks.html

Routines, Schedules, and Detentions


Magical Items




Food & drink



Learning Advice 

The resources are there to help you with your quest.  You do not have to visit every site if you do not want to.  Just visit the ones that you feel might help you to develop your story.  You can come back to the sites at another time if you would like to visit them just for fun.  


After your chapter has been written and turned in, you and your partner will put a hard copy of your chapter into a binder.  The binder will be put on a special bookshelf in the classroom so that other students can read what you wrote.  You can add a picture that goes along with your chapter, to the beginning of the story or print something off of one of the sites that you visited.  


You will be graded with the following criteria:

Individual Grade

1.     Did you come up with a creative and unique character?  10 points

2.     Did you fully develop your character? 20 points 

Group Grade

1.     Did you and your partner incorporate your characters into your chapter?  20 points

2.     Was the paper typed in Times New Roman with a 12 point font and did you double space?  5 points

3.     Was your chapter neatly organized and easy to follow?  20 points

4.     Was your chapter creative and interesting?  25 points

5.     Did you use correct grammar and punctuation?  20 points 

Partner Evaluation 

1.  Did your partner share equally in the work for this project?  30 points  (This grade will be considered in light of what I see during class work time)

Total Points= 150 

Additional Sites 

Build a Medieval Castle http://www.yourchildlearns.com/castle.htm 

Jigsaw Puzzles http://www.mikids.com/harrypotter/jigsaw.htm 

Ghosts in the Castle http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/castles/enter.html 

Broomsticks - a fun interactive Quidditch game

But wait! Learn the rules of Quidditch before you start playing!

Rules: http://www.charliesharrypotter.homestead.com/files/harry.html

Game: http://brighton.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~prajlich/broomsticks/

-Click on the start button for the demo version. 

Instructions on how to make your favorite Harry Potter T-shirt!


How to make your own Harry Potter Monopoly game


Find the Golden Snitch http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Mountain/5101/snitch.html 

Make a Harry Potter Fortune Teller


Who Said It? http://kidsbooks.about.com/kids/kidsbooks/library/blwhosaidit.htm 

Hooked on Harry? Read these books while you’re waiting for the next Harry Potter book to come out! http://www.monroe.lib.in.us/childrens/potterbib.html


Credits and References  

We would like to thank the following site for clipart:


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